Accessing Princeton's cluster

To log onto della first log on to nobel


From there can log into della


\tigress\efuller is where I should keep my scripts, write out data to

nobel are entry linux servers for beginners.

qstat -u efuller to check status of jobs

sbatch to run the job qdel jobnum to kill a job that’s running

Always change ntasks first before N in the code.

Also see Bridgett’s wiki on using the research computers:

scancel jobID will cancel a job.

Also some scp commands to get the models back down from della via nobel

scp model_*

scp* .
scontrol show jobid 1109549

Gives start time

Runtime notes

Square matrix: how many entries, times the number of bytes per entry (8 because it’s real). 12 GB is about half a node. Submit it to the test node (runtime less than one hour). Then run scontrol to see which node it’s on.

Then ssh to node

ssh della-r1c3n5

Then run top to see how much memory it’s using.